Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Clemson Girls...

Hello everyone out there in ACC Poon country! A few lovelies from Clemson today. So far, Clemson seems to be leading the poon pack. Will any other school step up and claim the ACC Poon crown?

As a final note, the last pic has a lovely piece of blonde Tiger poon with a shirt saying "Clemson girls..." Poon fans, let me know you're out there by leaving some comments that fill in the sentence.

Thanks to Thomas and Jimmy for the pics!


Anonymous said...

Clemson girls...drink from yellow cups on campus

Anonymous said...

...cheer for the wrong team

Anonymous said...

love those boots...what a hottie!

Anonymous said...

best in the world!!

Anonymous said...

What a legs! fine!

Anonymous said...

Nice boobs the girl on purple dress...